Monday, 16 September 2024
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Hiawatha, Holton and Sabetha All Get Wins in Big 7 Tri
By Jared Sleppy
Copyright: MSC Sports

Hiawatha, Sabetha and Holton all went 1-1 on Tuesday night in a triangular in Holton.


Sabetha won the first match over Holton 25-22, 25-21.


In the first set, Holton got off to a hot start, but Sabetha was able to establish themselves in the middle portion of the set. Holton tried to make a late run but Sabetha pulled through.


In set number two, it was back and forth the whole way through. The Bluejays got some clutch points down the stretch to secure the sweep.


The second match was a tale of two completely different sets but the same outcomes. Hiawatha defeated Sabetha 25-8, 25-23.


After complete dominance in set one, set two was thrilling from start to finish. Sabetha got four of five points to go up 22-21, but Hiawatha would do the same to Sabetha to win the match.


In the final match, Hiawatha ran out of steam as Holton won handily 25-13, 25-13.


Holton did a fantastic job of capitalizing on mistakes Hiawatha made. Holton also didn't make many themselves and had the complete advantage at the net both offensively and defensively.


After the dust settles, Sabetha is now 3-2 in Big 7 play and 7-7 overall. Holton is now 3-3 in league play and 7-5 overall. Hiawatha is also now 3-2 in the Big 7 with an overall record of 9-7.


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